History: Industry Track

Source of version: 3

!Industry Track
*p7: ((Wikis at Work: Success Factors and Challenges for Sustainability of Enterprise Wikis)) by Jonathan Grudin and Erika Poole
*p8: ((Model-aware Wiki Analysis Tools: the Case of HistoryFlow)) by Oscar Diaz and Gorka Puente
*p17: ((ThinkFree: Using a Visual Wiki for IT Knowledge Management in a Tertiary Institution)) by Christian Hirsch;John Hosking, John Grundy and Tim Chaffe

!Industry Track discussion

There is a two-hour discussion session scheduled for Thursday, July 8. This will be an open discussion about topics related to industry and open collaboration.


Legend: v=view, s=source
Date UserEdit Comment Version Action
Thu 08 of July, 2010 08:00 EDT mrjcleaver   5
 v  s
Fri 25 of June, 2010 04:01 EDT psayers   4  v  s  
Tue 22 of June, 2010 00:55 EDT psayers date 3  v  s  
Wed 16 of June, 2010 13:32 EDT psayers + industry discussion 2  v  s  
Sat 12 of June, 2010 05:08 EDT felipe first list 1  v  s